mandag 3. august 2009

Get Rid Of Your Panic Disorder For Good

People who have never suffered from a panic disorder don't realize how many people who actually do. In North America alone it is estimated that one in every seventy-five people are affected by panic disorders. The main indicator of a panic disorder is the occurrence of panic attacks. Although they can vary in duration and severity from one individual to another, these attacks usually start with an intense anxiety that occurs suddenly without any obvious reason.

These attacks are not a reaction of stress, which people who have never had such attacks tend to think. They are much more serious than stress symptoms. Panic disorders are usually debilitation and make it impossible living normal lives.

Symptoms of Panic Attacks

Usually the symptoms are:

- Fast increasing heartbeats
- Breathing problems
- Feeling paralyzed
- Numbness and tingling
- Trembling or sweating
- Most severe cases include chest pains, nausea, dizziness and choking.

Some patients report that a panic attack is like knowing they are going crazy without being able to do anything about it.

The symptoms people who suffer from this anxiety disorder have would be considered as normal reactions if they were in response to an appropriate situation. If you encountered a bear in the woods, the symptoms described above would make sense, a normal 'fight or flight' response to a real danger. The fact that these symptoms are not happening under dangerous circumstances but for no reason at all, is what make them a disorder.

Panic disorders rarely do any physical damage even though they can be experienced as life-threatening and prevent you from living a normal life. Often complications are associated with panic disorders such as depressions, phobias, substance abuse and others. In most cases these complications are not caused by the panic anxiety itself but rather by the fear of having that next attack.

Which Treatments Are Available?

Although the symptoms of panic anxiety may vary from one person to another, there is help for everyone. Most doctors or therapists are using a treatment called cognitive behavioral therapies which have proven to be very effective when dealing with panic attacks. I happen to know one specific treatment that has cured thousands of people from their panic disorder permanently. If I told you that you can stop letting your anxiety problems ruin your life in short time, would you believe me?

If you are one of the those suffering from panic disorder you are probably sick and tiered of not being able to handle everyday situations other people take for granted. Stop ruin your life and give yourself this great chance to get rid of your panic attacks for good. Click the link for more information.

by Gary Gui

1 kommentar:

  1. Thank for the informative post.

    The absolute best thing to do is to avoid situations that trigger your attacks. However, you can remind yourself to breathe slowly and deeply. Do a lot of self-talk. Tell yourself that you are fine and that there is no real danger. Most importantly, be patient with yourself. There are many people who do not understand panic attacks. You do. Treat yourself kindly.
