mandag 2. november 2009

How Do You Cure Your Social Anxiety?

Everyone gets a little nervous when they have to enter into brand new social situations, but if you find that you or your child try to avoid social settings at all costs, this may be a sign of social anxiety. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of the condition, as well as treatment options that you may want to consider.

Social anxiety is characterized by extreme nervousness or even panic attacks in relation to certain social situations. Some individuals only experience this when they have to eat in front of other people or engage in public speaking, but some patients who suffer from social anxiety cannot be in any social situation without starting to panic. This is due to the fact that these individuals feel extremely self-conscious about the way they will behave when they're in front of others, and they are so concerned with other's opinions that they don't have enough confidence in themselves when they are around other people.

If you notice that your child starts to display embarrassment at his or her own actions, even around you, or that they are afraid to go to school or age-appropriate social functions, it may be time to seek help. While simply talking to your child and letting them know there's nothing to be afraid of may not help completely, you can definitely use this as part of their overall therapy.

Going to a counselor that will allow your child to express his or her feelings may be a great suggestion. Younger children can draw pictures about the times they feel nervous around other people, and can practice being in mock social settings at the counselor's office in order to make everyday interactions easier.

There is no standard medication for this condition because everyone expresses their nervousness differently. Variations of the social anxiety drug Paxil may be ideal for older children and adults. This medication will help children to remain calm and confident when talking to others. Furthermore, a child dosage of Prozac may prove to be effective as well. Social anxiety in children, as well as some adults, may also be associated with certain types of autism or ADHD.

Another option in addition to talking to your doctor about medication, is natural remedies available that you can try as well. Vetiver oils can be diffused in your child's bedroom while they're sleeping in order to calm the nervous system and make them be in a better mood. Lavender oils can help the body to get rid of impurities and regulate the blood flow.

You should also make sure that you're getting enough vitamins and giving your children the type of nutrition they need. This might also be of value for regular social anxiety. After a few months, you might start to see improvement.

by Gerd Petersen

fredag 23. oktober 2009

Learn To Handle Your Anxiety With Anxiety Self Help

If you suspect that you've had anxiety or panic attacks recently, you'll need knowledge about the symptoms so that you can take the necessary steps toward staying healthy. There are basically two ways to go:

· Learning anxiety self help
· Seeking professional help.

Moreover, if you are experiencing any type of serious stress in your life, it's a good idea to gain more knowledge about anxiety attacks symptoms so that you can turn the condition around before it gets extremely serious.

Tightness in the Chest

A common anxiety attack symptom is tightness in the chest. If you find it difficult to breathe or you have problems with speaking, you are probably experiencing an anxiety attack. If you experience a situation like this the first thing you should do is to find a place to sit or lie down, preferably close to a window or an open door if possible. This will give you some fresh air which will help your chest muscles to stop contracting and lower your body temperature.

Problems with Digestion

Digestive problems are also some very common anxiety attacks symptoms. Problems with swallowing food, loss of appetite and nausea are all signs of stress. If you experience digestive symptoms, eating un-processed foods would be a significant part of your anxiety self help efforts by helping you to stop the symptoms of anxiety attacks.

Purchase organic fruits and vegetables instead of canned varieties. These foods are free of pesticides, which are chemicals that many people react to in a negative way.

Tickling and Pain in the Extremities

If you have anxiety frequently or if you suspect that you are in the middle of an anxiety attack, you may feel tickling in your hands or feet. This can lead to pain in your legs and arms, but this pain can be reduced by stretching your muscle and exercising regularly. The tingling in your extremities is due to nerve damage, so when you're exercising, the circulation in your body will improve, thus strengthening your muscles.

Workout will also help your breathing, thus decreasing the odds of having shortness of breath. When you are in extremely stressful situations, consider a jog or run for minimum 30 minutes per day, or build muscle in your extremities by using free weights.

Problems with Your Sleeping Pattern

Sleeping disorder is another symptom of anxiety. This can be lack of sleep as well as too much sleep. Are you waking up several times during the night? Do you sleep continuously for minimum 10 hours? Both could be a sign of anxiety.

Consult your doctor and ask for sleeping pills that will help you to sleep through the night. You can also try natural remedies. Go to your local health food store and ask for valerian root or 5-HTP. At least it's worth to try them Natural remedies like those mentioned above, may play a significant role in your anxiety self help regimen. What they do is raise your serotonin levels which will increase your ability to handle stress in a more rational way throughout the day.

by Gerd Petersen

torsdag 15. oktober 2009

How You Can Get Rid Of Nervous Anxiety Once and for All

There are lots of reasons why people are suffering from nervous anxiety. Events like the loss of a loved one, beginning a new job, moving to another town, driving in heavy traffic or financial problems can trigger anxiety. Some people may also experience an unhealthy amount of anxiety in any type of social situation.

If you experience panic attacks or anxiety to a degree that it bothers you, here are a few tips that will hopefully help you to find the treatment that you need.

First and foremost; be aware of your body. Being aware of your body will help you to exactly determine whether you are having an anxiety attack or not. When you interact with people that you don't know, do you feel tightness in your chest?

Do you have problems with your breathing any time you find yourself in new surroundings? These reactions are nothing but your body speaking to you; it simply tells you that something is wrong. Feeling nervous or anxious now and then is pretty common for all of us.

But if your body speaks to you like this on a regular basis, it is a signal that you need some kind of help. The first thing to do is make inquiries to a Physician about medication or another kind of treatment for regulating your nervous system. Moreover, you need to ask yourself whether your nervous anxiety are keeping you from performing your daily activities or prevent you from enjoying your life. The more information you can gather about your condition, the more you'll be able to find out whether a change in your life will help you to stress down and reduce the frequency and intensity of then panic you feel.

For example; are you making an effort to get your finances in order? Are you worried about your family because they are not with you 24/7? Are you anticipating danger all the time? Do you always anticipate the worst, no matter what situation you find yourself in?

When you seriously start to evaluate your behavior and feelings, you can stop your anxiety attacks and start restoring your mental and physical health. You can also find a load of anxiety information at your local wellness center or yoga studio. Signing up for yoga classes will help you to get rid of stress by stretching your muscles and limbs as well as balance your mind and reduce tension in your body.

It will help you to get rid of some of the physical symptoms of anxiety, for example headaches, muscle aches, insomnia and fatigue, In most yoga classes you will also learn about meditation, which will help you to control your thoughts and feelings so that you can reduce or even get rid of the nervous anxiety that you feel. Meditation will also help to improve your concentration, and give you the ability to think and react differently when you are about to become overwhelmed with obligations or family challenges.

by Gerd Petersen

fredag 9. oktober 2009

Medication For Panic Attacks - How To Chose the One That Is Right For You

Are you having panic attacks often? Then it might be a good idea to ask your doctor about medication for panic attacks that might be right for you. If you don't want prescribed medications, there are lots of natural remedies that can help you as well.


Antidepressants is the name of the group of medication that your doctor most likely will prescribe to relief your panic attacks. Antidepressants are - like the name indicates - drugs used for depression and after having taken them for a while many people with anxiety will experience their mood to be boosted. Antidepressants normally take several weeks to become effective in reducing panic attacks, so it's normal to include other treatments to relieve panic anxiety in the beginning.

For this medication to work effectively, you have to take it regularly and not only when you have anxiety attacks.


If you don't want to take antidepressants, another group of medication called benzodiazepines might be the drugs for you. Benzodiazepines - such as Valium, Stesolid and similar - will start to work almost immediately, helping reduce your anxiety. Take these pills when you feel a panic attack is about to come and you will quickly experience a slowdown of your heart rate and decrease of the intensity of your anxiety symptoms.

Addiction as well as an increase in tolerance is the problem with benzodiazepines. If you become addicted, the withdrawal symptoms can be hard to cope with. Since withdrawal from benzodiazepines can take a toll on your nervous system, you should ask for a physical exam to make sure your health is good enough to start this medication.

Alternative Treatments

Natural medication for panic attacks is another alternative if you don't want to pop pills each and every day. For example, you can make dietary changes so that you will be getting the optimal amounts of vitamin B12 and niacin. Even without changing your diet, you can take a trip to your grocery or health food store and buy a supplement that may help you as well.

Include foods that increase your intake of B vitamins, such as beans, raw nuts and lean cuts of chicken. Vitamin C is also ideal for boosting your immune defense system and is included in fresh vegetables and fruits such as oranges, broccoli and watermelon. These vitamins will help to make your nervous system stronger and a stronger nervous system will make it easier for you to think clear in situations where panic attacks occur.

Believe it or not but a dietary change for improving your health, may increase your confidence that you need to cope with your stress more easily. As we all know, drugs has side effects, most are minor, however there are a few serious side effects that may occur. it is good to know that there are alternatives to medication for panic attacks, especially if you want to avoid the side effects.

Instantly cure Panic Attacks! Click Here For more information.

mandag 3. august 2009

Get Rid Of Your Panic Disorder For Good

People who have never suffered from a panic disorder don't realize how many people who actually do. In North America alone it is estimated that one in every seventy-five people are affected by panic disorders. The main indicator of a panic disorder is the occurrence of panic attacks. Although they can vary in duration and severity from one individual to another, these attacks usually start with an intense anxiety that occurs suddenly without any obvious reason.

These attacks are not a reaction of stress, which people who have never had such attacks tend to think. They are much more serious than stress symptoms. Panic disorders are usually debilitation and make it impossible living normal lives.

Symptoms of Panic Attacks

Usually the symptoms are:

- Fast increasing heartbeats
- Breathing problems
- Feeling paralyzed
- Numbness and tingling
- Trembling or sweating
- Most severe cases include chest pains, nausea, dizziness and choking.

Some patients report that a panic attack is like knowing they are going crazy without being able to do anything about it.

The symptoms people who suffer from this anxiety disorder have would be considered as normal reactions if they were in response to an appropriate situation. If you encountered a bear in the woods, the symptoms described above would make sense, a normal 'fight or flight' response to a real danger. The fact that these symptoms are not happening under dangerous circumstances but for no reason at all, is what make them a disorder.

Panic disorders rarely do any physical damage even though they can be experienced as life-threatening and prevent you from living a normal life. Often complications are associated with panic disorders such as depressions, phobias, substance abuse and others. In most cases these complications are not caused by the panic anxiety itself but rather by the fear of having that next attack.

Which Treatments Are Available?

Although the symptoms of panic anxiety may vary from one person to another, there is help for everyone. Most doctors or therapists are using a treatment called cognitive behavioral therapies which have proven to be very effective when dealing with panic attacks. I happen to know one specific treatment that has cured thousands of people from their panic disorder permanently. If I told you that you can stop letting your anxiety problems ruin your life in short time, would you believe me?

If you are one of the those suffering from panic disorder you are probably sick and tiered of not being able to handle everyday situations other people take for granted. Stop ruin your life and give yourself this great chance to get rid of your panic attacks for good. Click the link for more information.

by Gary Gui

fredag 31. juli 2009

Panic Anxiety - How You Can Get Rid Of It Forever

What is Panic Anxiety Actually?

An increasing number of people go to their doctor and complain about stress, run down and problems coping with their lives. Telling the doctor they have experienced weird symptoms recently and get a shock when he tells them that they are suffering from panic attacks or anxiety. Most people have heard about these disorders without actually knowing what they are.

Which Symptoms Indicate A Panic Attack?

The symptoms of a panic attack are very easy to recognize. Most symptoms are typically located in the upper body.

Heart Related Symptoms

The most characteristic and dramatic symptom is heart palpitations. Their pulse starts to race very quickly or the heart pounds very loudly. When the heart is pounding pain in the chest will often follow.

Symptoms Related To the Stomach

Stomach related symptoms like nausea and sometimes bloating are also common.

Breathing Symptoms

Breathing difficulties represents the third main symptom. They often experience they can't get oxygen enough or they can even feel unable to catch their breath. Some patients even feel like they are being buried all of a sudden.

Dizzy and Lightheaded

Many patients feel dizziness sometimes so strong that they feel they are about to collapse. Some patients actually do faint. Some patients get lightheaded instead of dizzy and have to sit down immediately to avoid fainting.

Other Somatic Symptoms

Other physical symptoms can be hot flashes, chills, loss of skin color and other.

The duration of a panic attack varies from individual to individual. In most cases it lasts only seconds but for some patients they can last for several minutes.

The Reason for Panic Attacks

Most doctors tend to agree that the cause of a panic attack is a psychological malfunction in the alarm system of the body. When normal people feel that their life is threatened in one way or another, the symptoms described above are said to be natural reactions to a serious threat. When a patient has a panic attack, his mind tells his body that something disastrous is going to happen in such a convincing way that his body believes it.

Most doctors consider fear as the main, underlying cause of panic attacks even when the actual fears themselves are different. Many experts also believe that a high degree of stress in life can trigger panic attacks and that certain medications or drugs can make some people more likely to experience panic anxiety or attacks.

If you are one of the those suffering from panic anxiety you are probably sick and tiered of not being able to handle everyday social situations other people take for granted. Stop ruin your life and give yourself this great chance to get rid of your panic attacks for good. Click the link for more information.

by Gary Gui

torsdag 30. juli 2009

Social Anxiety - How To Cure It For Good

People who don't know what social anxiety really is, put it in the same category as extreme shyness, but we are talking about a quite different issue. It's hard to understand for people without this disorder that the patients' lives can be completely destroyed because of the pain the anxiety can cause even when doing ordinary things like going on a bus, sitting in a classroom or attending a party, things most people take for granted.

Social anxiety is a diagnoses used when a person's anxiety in social situations is so is so severe that inability of functioning in everyday life is dominating. Although many of these people are aware of the dysfunctions of their feelings and actions, they are incapable of doing anything to stop it. The symptoms of this anxiety disorder can be divided into two groups; specialized anxiety and generalized anxiety.

The specialized anxiety is triggered in particular social situations where others are involved; for example a party, holding a speech or sitting in a room full of strangers. The symptoms of generalized anxiety are a persistent and intense fear of any situation where social interactions are involved.

In the generalized version of anxiety the symptoms are an excessive and chronic fear of any situation where social interaction is taking place. In this group, fear of being judged by other is dominating in addition to fearing embarrassment and humiliation because of what the patient is doing. These unhappy persons don't trust themselves to handle social interactions either by fearing to do something to embarrass themselves or that other people will judge them too hard.

Although this disorder's main symptoms like severe anxiety and fear are psychological, it is also accompanied by several physical symptoms. High pulse, heart palpitations, dizziness, excessive sweating, trembling and stammering are just a few. If the patient is upset enough, both types of this anxiety disorder can also bring on panic attacks. The severity and duration of these symptoms varies from patient to patient.

To deal with the pain anxiety social situations cause, some people medicate themselves with drugs or alcohol, sometimes to an extreme. This will not work for getting rid of their anxiety but will rather create drug addiction problems in addition, as if the anxiety problems weren't enough. It is a false belief that substance abuse can increase their confidence in social situations, which some patients claim.

It's understandable that a condition that impacts so many parts of the patient's life is causing a huge demand for solutions. The manifold of treatment solutions reflects this demand. Don't despair because there are methods available for treating social anxiety effectively; like traditional psychological approaches as well as alternative treatments, traditional and natural remedies, acupuncture, NLP, hypnosis, thought-field therapy and numerous of other.

If you are one of the those suffering from social anxiety or panic attacks you are probably sick and tiered of not being able to handle everyday situations other people take for granted. Stop ruin your life and give yourself this great chance to get rid of your panic attacks or social anxiety problems for good. Click Here for more information.

by Gary Gui

tirsdag 28. juli 2009

Panic Attacks Gone Once And For All

Panic attacks affect most persons differently. Some get waves of anxiety accompanied with hot flashes, others are constantly fighting unwanted feelings and thoughts and others hyperventilate, experience a racing heartbeat and feel tingling in their entire body.

Some patients have such severe attacks that they end up in an ambulance, strongly believing that they have got a heart attack. This disease can be so painful, intense and real that many patients hardly believe it when their doctors tell them that what they had was "only" a panic attack.

People who have never experienced a panic attack will not really understand what it is but people who have experienced one will certainly know that there is no thing called "only" a panic attack. Although the symptoms can vary from one individual to another, this disease can affect every part of your life because of its devastating and invaliding nature.

It's understandable that people suffering from such a frustrating disorder will try to avoid all situations in their everyday life that can trigger an attack. Examples of such situations can be standing in a line, walking on sidewalks with a crowd of people or shopping in a mall.

So, can you do something to get rid of it and if so, what? Avoiding things will not help. Even if you avoid what you fear most, the anxiety for when the next attack will occur is still there. When are you going to stop this defensive behavior that has limited your life for so long?

Stop this defensive behavior, worrying about the next attack and when it will occur. You have to stop the process of fear and anxiety that lead to the actual attack. Only by not fearing your panic, can you get rid of it once and for all.

You may ask yourself, "How the heck can I stop this fear?" The answer is… with a self treatment course called Panic Away. They use a method called "the one-move technique", which faces the process of fear and anxiety directly and stops it before it becomes an attack. Panic Away has helped thousands of people get rid of their anxiety, and it can help you to. To get more information about Panic away and get a step closer to live a life without panic attacks, check out the links below.

Trying almost everything before you're probably skeptical to this solution of getting rid of your panic attacks as well. I recommend that you click here and read up on what others had to say about Panic Away. It's cheap compared to the ongoing costs of medication or therapy and is actually a small price to pay for a real solution. Trying this product is completely risk free because of an ironclad guarantee. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Click Here for more information.

by Gary Gui